Express-like framework for Astro Endpoints
Express-like framework for Astro Endpoints
🎯 Set redirect urls in your frontmatter within your Astro site's Markdown files. Mimics the behavior of jekyll-redirect-from.
Fathom Analytics tracking for your Astro site.
A flexible, accessible pagination component for displaying links to next, previous, first, last and a window of pages in your Astro site.
This **Astro integration][astro-integration]** brings [StyleX's](https://stylexjs.com/docs/learn/) CSS compiler to every `.astro` file and [framework component in your project.
The Astro adapter of AWS Serverless
This **[Astro integration][astro-integration]** offers a way to create type-safe API routes with no set-up and minimal concepts to learn.
Matomo integration for Astro
An Astro component for Pintora diagrams
Utilities to add a static full text index to an Astro project
Remark plugin for Astro to automatically add description text to the frontmatter of markdown files
An Astro component for rendering a responsive <picture> element for an image fetched from Sanity
An accessible emoji component for Astro applications
Suspend your Astro components with fallback content.
Embed YouTube videos with a static placeholder which only embeds when you click
Download images at build time! Supports Iconify icons and arbitrary images.
Astro loading icons and small animations built with pure SVG.
Galactiks Astro integration
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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